The Need to Break

The Need to Break

Hey, y'all hey

As I wake up in my hotel room after a long drive to our “home of record” (that military jargon never leaves you), I am flooded with all the feels.

I have worked so incredibly hard to connect my brand with those who need it most while making an impact on this world in some small way.

But the lessons on this road trip have been so much deeper that it’s rooted in the core of who I am. Me. Little ol’ me.

See, we almost didn’t leave on this journey because of all the things that happened before we could walk out the door. I looked at my husband and said, “we are an Army family, so we are going to embrace the suck and go!”

I disliked that phrase when he was AD (Active Duty), but last night I drew strength in it. When we hit our first resting stop, tired and aching, we embraced each other with a kiss and said WE DID IT!

Words have the power to shift your life, and I woke up with a new perspective.

The past year has been challenging between separation, sickness, self-doubt, and all the rollercoaster rides you can imagine in life. But here is one thing I know to be true: my husband is my person. He isn’t perfect, but he is built just for me, and we are stronger together than we ever could be apart.

As we settled in, our middle child felt sick and eventually threw up. Ted and I looked at each other like, here we go! When I was looking at Mac as she was talking, it was like I was suddenly struck with all of these truths of who she really is.

She is sensitive, emotional, intuitive, strong in her convictions, and rooted in love for all things big and small. I have been entrusted with a child who will one day move mountains with her ideas and innovative thinking. I think that for the first time, I truly saw my daughter in all of her amazing rays of light.

I am rooted in my people, and my people are rooted in me. I have worked so incredibly hard to build a life that gives them an array of opportunities, but if I don’t take a break to see the beauty in who they are, and what they are, I’m going to miss out.

This trip is more than just a vacation, it has been life-changing. It’s the universe's gentle reminder that I must slow the f**$ down and enjoy those around me. See them, laugh with them, breathe them in, and memorize every curve of their little faces.

Because in the end, all we really have are memories of time shared with those who loved us.

❤️ Kimi

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